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Fashion Joe is a Creative who specializes in creating comedic and action centric content. If you're looking to convey fun and excitement with your stories, Fashion Joe is the man!

He got his start working in Advertising, where he found a niche Editing action packed game trailers for AAA Publishers. Since then, he has expanded into numerous mediums including Feature Films, eSport Broadcasts, Live Action Commercials, Animated Shorts, Interactive Videos, Docustyle branded content, and Social Assets. His clients include Paramount +, Comedy Central, Microsoft, Facebook, Riot Games, Ubisoft, EA, WB Games, and many more!


Armed with an array of skillsets, his talents include Editing, Creative Direction, Copywriting, Music Supervision, Sound Design, Motion Graphics, and VFX Editing. He has experience with Avid, Premiere, After Effects, Illustrator, and Photoshop.

Fashion Joe is a lover of storytelling, and brings his passion for joy and laughter to every project!

For a more detailed look at his work history, click on this blue Linkedin Icon!

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